Sunday, December 7


Saying Hello to everyone out there=D

I'm very happy today.^^ early in the morning 9.45am i went to fou tang. Fou tang ends at 1pm and Dad brother and me went to have our lunch somewhere else near JE. After our lunch car-ed home and slack awhile and off to swim with my younger brother=DD (Cute Him) When we are on our way there he keep telling me "Kor Kor i dont want to go swimming lesson i want go there play water only." he keep asking me can anot and of cos i say its ok for me but WHAT IF DAD come and swim suddenly and did not see you in the competition pool having your lesson and BOTH of us will be DEAD MEAT. so he stunt for awhile and say OKOK go swimming la.
LOL funny him. In the end he still enjoy today's swim cos i try to play with him and make him enjoy^^ although he is abit naught sometimes but he is still cute=D

OK after our swimming lesson as usual we went to the MAMA SHOP near our house to slack and have some tibits before going home. LOL longlong which is my younger brother knock the ice pop that he buy to hit againts the table cos he say its too hard. he hit till the water in the ice pop splash out and yet he still dont know until the water splash onto him and all over the place....=.= Diao lor. haha. HAPPY BEING WITH HIM.
So after fooling around we went back home to have our dinner.

The thing that make me VErY HaPPY is cos i;m able to see baby today^^ i went to ming ming house which is Baby's cousin. He is going for his NS so we went to his house to have BBQ with him. Baby's family members are all very friendly and re qing. Good. Baby's mom keep BBQ food for me to eat!! she keep telling everyone that i'm a fake monk=.= ya i know cos i am a vegetarian but i got eat meat. hoho. anw i enjoy myself today being with baby although is only a short 2hours 15mins but i'm happy enough to see baby=DDD