Sunday, June 14


Hi people,im here to upd8 a lil' bit for 1 because i suppose he forgotten totally that this blog still exist and he's not taking good care of it. well so im here to manage this blog abit and i've given you guys a fresher cleaner look for this blog so tht you wouldn't feel bored coming here to see the same old damn thing,nvr change. :)

he's rather busy staying out of house,gg to darren's house,attend weddings,birthday parties and lots more,but he've been a gr8 guy studying as and when. :) you guys may not know wht kind of life he has been leading but he's living relatively well now with no illness,ill-ness free,fret not,i did take good care of him. haha,just kidding. im not doing well enough as a part of his girlfrd 'should do' things. owell.

more pictures ahead next time i sign in to his blogger,bye! :)


Monday, March 16

Hi everyone here to post. who is tired??

hais i dont know what to say cos our friends dont get along. which is really a big problem. It is way out of my control. I always thought that i can balance both side and get the best of it. but this time i cant do an ything to help. the most i can is just to stop both side from scolding ea other. i know its hard to stop hating someone that you really dislike.
Is there a way to solve? or should just leave everything aside and continue with her. I dislike yours and you dislike mine.

hope everything turns out what i wanted. i'm no longer the blessed man on 11. i really want you back.!!
The number of rain drops represent how much i miss you!

Monday, February 23

Sick day.

HOHOHO expected that i willfall sick today. cos ytd i'm starting to feel unwell le. But today i still got go to school.=DD to take comment test. hais. never study for it. so the result sure kns de la. nvm. i will try to score well next time round.
i went home after my recess.
Reach home around 12pm and slack awhile jiu fall asleep le.

Baby sms me tell me that she is coming over my house to Sayang =D Baby want to cook porridge for me to eat de but i told her dont if not she will only have little time to be with me. so in the end she never cook le. I wake up around 2pm and she tell me she is about to reach my house le. so i faster wake up and go bath. HEHE if not later baby say i lazy never go bath than smelly smelly. so when she reach my house i xiang xiang she nv complain that i'm smelly.

Hais after baby went home i get prepare for my KUMON... Finally my kumon end. I call baby to see if she still awake. haha she sleeping when i call her and ask her want to chat anot she die die also want to chat with me. so i told her ok(of cos) use your home phone to call my hp. she say OK1=) when she hand the phone she fall asleep... FUNNY. I expected it=DD my cute baby always like tat.=DD But the best thing is about 30 mins later she sms me and say can you call me=)) so now ya i'm posting while chat to her=P

OK bye guys shall here. good NIGHTs.

Wednesday, February 18

Study study...

Here to post=) OK today nth much happen in school. Lesson end early for all Basketballers as we are going for tournament. We lose to HCI. hais sad thing right... at least all of us tried our best.

After match end ken,Brandon and me slack there and chat. Not long later Mr chua reach the sport hall. He plan to watch our match but he came late. haha. anw happy tat he take out some of his time to watch our game. So we chat with him too and after tat he send us to gp=)) great no need to waste time taking bus or mrt.

When we are in his car on our way to GP he ask us if we want to join the Triaton(dont know spell correct anot) host by Milo. Cool man and i say i dont mind trying=DDD happy can go play with my brothers. brandon and ken i joining too^^ we sure will have a great time there.
So b4 we get down at GP we tell him tat we will join. and we went off to GP and Markan food:)

Went home asfter eating and meet up with my dear little girl=) went to Jp library and study. today did not study much. but chat alot with baby.(insert Star claps) after studying off to Jp and take a look at the bag baby wanted and off home. chat with baby under her block than send her home=) than off i go home. on my way home i take a look at the STARS tat shines brightly. Theres is alot of them really nice. feel relax and i enjoy look at it^^

ok shall stop here. Good bye guys and feel free to tag me=D


Saturday, February 7

Felt posting here.

Babyz,even if the sky falls down on me,i'll still luv you as much as now. :) We're doing gr8 & i hope things will get even btr as times goes by. I hope this r/s between me & you,hopefully just me & you,will last.

I may be silly,but i don't mind. :)

I hope & wish,you see & feel how much i luv you,& i rly do. :D
Hope tht you'd like your wallet & hope that our valentines day is a gr8 one. :D

Smiles widely with twists! :D


Hi people. i'm here to post. UM... i guys jian did not saw the last post!!!=( nevermind. Anw here to thanks people that tag me about the last post. Happy=) HOHO and i'm shock to see Nicky here to tag=D.

Today wake up around 8am and play comp for about 40mins only cos suddenly feel like shitting=/ Smelly Smelly. haha. Shit half way going to come out Asri call my HP... haha. OK so after tat went to stadium to train for our sport day. We did not train much. diao we chat and relax more.=D anw had a great time with them. After training go markan than go home. so here now posting. ^^

I miss my Girl now. hais. She is not feeling well now. hope she will b fine and get well soon. She naught always never drink water. ok shall post till here. Bye readers=D Rmb to tag b4 you off your comp. tata.

Wednesday, January 21

To Ajx :


Now our clique is short of one person,although things are still the same,like in the past,but it jux seems a lil' empty,still,cos tht very particular friend of ours,is not in wwss anymore. No more fun & laughter that fills the air,no more funny stunts in schl.

I miss him,still.

I hope you'll get wht i meant above,the chinese characters . Forever,i hope things will nvr gonna change,from the start,from how we got to know each other,& thn becoming close brothers & thn gg thru circumstances tgt! I hope you'll still rmb. :)

Brothers forever. I hope you won't felt left out cos all of us still thinking of you ,i hope you'll still ring us up like in the past,as usual,to call us hang ard somewhere to chat & so on... as zi yan said just now,we very long never ton tgt or slack at your house le.

Brothers for life. :D Ajx. :DDDD

Just now when zi yan sing that song. I almost cry...
Zi yan and brandon also always sing that song during lesson and they also feel like crying.

Ok lets talk about other things. TML wwss will be playing against NHSS. hope we can play as will as the last match and win NHSS.
ALL the way TEAMATES!!

I shall stop here. thanks for reading this post=)
sorry for not posting for so long=/// GOOD NIGHTS.

o.o ya happy 17 birthday to jing hui too.