Sunday, June 14


Hi people,im here to upd8 a lil' bit for 1 because i suppose he forgotten totally that this blog still exist and he's not taking good care of it. well so im here to manage this blog abit and i've given you guys a fresher cleaner look for this blog so tht you wouldn't feel bored coming here to see the same old damn thing,nvr change. :)

he's rather busy staying out of house,gg to darren's house,attend weddings,birthday parties and lots more,but he've been a gr8 guy studying as and when. :) you guys may not know wht kind of life he has been leading but he's living relatively well now with no illness,ill-ness free,fret not,i did take good care of him. haha,just kidding. im not doing well enough as a part of his girlfrd 'should do' things. owell.

more pictures ahead next time i sign in to his blogger,bye! :)
