Saturday, February 7


Hi people. i'm here to post. UM... i guys jian did not saw the last post!!!=( nevermind. Anw here to thanks people that tag me about the last post. Happy=) HOHO and i'm shock to see Nicky here to tag=D.

Today wake up around 8am and play comp for about 40mins only cos suddenly feel like shitting=/ Smelly Smelly. haha. Shit half way going to come out Asri call my HP... haha. OK so after tat went to stadium to train for our sport day. We did not train much. diao we chat and relax more.=D anw had a great time with them. After training go markan than go home. so here now posting. ^^

I miss my Girl now. hais. She is not feeling well now. hope she will b fine and get well soon. She naught always never drink water. ok shall post till here. Bye readers=D Rmb to tag b4 you off your comp. tata.