Thursday, January 15

Hello to everyone.

Sorry for not posting for a long time. i have reason de. my comp spoilt thats why i cant post for the past few weeks.
OK i'm now back to post.

I shall talk about today. Today is a normal day nothing much. o.o ya today is thur so tat mean we are ending sch at 4.30pm=(( bored. 4.30pm is already late but teacher today end the lesson at 5pm. WOW. over run le la!!. haha. nvm.

After school slack with brandon and ken awhile. after that take bus 11 home. Reach home bath,eat,chat with brother and than off tofind baby=DDD So finally i can meet my beloved baby le. I have been meet her like once a week or twice a week.=(( very sad lor. I mess her alot alot. Really hope to have more time with you my girl.

Tournament is starting tml!!

>>>>>>>>>>> WWSS VS NUS High.<<<<<<<<<<<
first match. MUST win. I feel stress man omg. IT has been a long time since i last play in a tournament.

Its our last year Brothers lets work hard tgt. We had train for so log man. JIA YOU.

ok i shall stop here. good night readers.